30 days wild fever is building in me

30 days wild fever is building in me

30 days wild fever is building in me as the 1st June approaches.
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My quandary is I have a lot of nature in my life already, which bits should I choose to single out as important or interesting? Well, I’m on holiday on Iona in the Hebrides right now and there is wild magic 24/7 here, you feel part of the whole living landscape. Cuckoos and corncrakes are bombarding my senses, ‘creck creck, cuck-oo’, into the night! It’s mesmerising. I saw a basking shark and otter before breakfast and am off to do tai chi an on the beach and avoid stepping on the ringed plovers nests there. From next week it’s back to Tyneside and Northumberland and it’ll be the little things I expect to report on, like a chiffchaff looking in through my office window while I’m having a meeting or a precious half hour spin on the bike around the hedgerows, the brief encounter with a hare, taking time out just to sit and watch in my very overgrown garden before work, a natural meditation to the background calling of nesting blackcaps, or who knows what else? It’s an exciting prospect and an excuse to get even more immersed and notice even more, feeding my nature habit...I’ve definitely got the 30 days wild bug!