Smooth way forward at St Nicholas Park

Smooth way forward at St Nicholas Park

Visitors to Northumberland Wildlife Trust’s St Nicholas Park reserve in Gosforth, Newcastle, can now enjoy a smooth walk around the site thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
St Nicholas path volunteers - Duncan Hoyle

Left to right: volunteers Nathan Sankar, Mo Dewar, Joe Christie and Courtney Wallace. Image by: Duncan Hoyle.

Previously, access by wheelchair or visitors pushing buggies was a struggle along the unfixed paths, which turned muddy in the rain.

For several weeks, volunteers worked tirelessly to prepare the site in readiness for visitors to the reserve during the spring and summer months.

The paths were widened, the existing surface and chippings were broken up, mixed with new chippings and cluster dust which, when it rains will harden and provide an improved surface.

St Nicholas new path - Duncan Hoyle

Volunteers laying the new path at St Nicholas Park nature reserve. Image by: Duncan Hoyle.

Speaking about the work of the volunteers, Joe Christie, Northumberland Wildlife Trust Lead Volunteers says: “I’ve volunteered with the Trust on hundreds of tasks since 2010 so over the years I have seen how valuable support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery is and this work on the paths is a great example of that.  It gives us a great sense of satisfaction that we are making nature more accessible for everybody.”